International Multimodal Transport

Because multimodal transportation has the unparalleled superiority of other transportation organization forms, this new international transportation technology has been widely promoted and applied in major countries and regions in the world. At present, the representative multimodal transportation of countries mainly includes the Far East, Europe, Far East, North America, etc.

Sea, land and air transport, its organizational forms include:

1. Sea and land combined transport

Sea and land combined transport is the main organization form of multimodal transport, and one of the main forms of multimodal transport in the Far East and Europe. At present, international shipping companies such as Sanlian Group of the Liner Association, North Holland, Crown Airlines, and Maersk of Denmark, as well as non-liner associations of China Ocean Shipping Company, Taiwan Evergreen Shipping Company, and German Naya Shipping Company, etc.

This form of organization is dominated by shipping companies, issuing intermodal bills of lading, conducting intermodal transportation with the inland transportation departments at both ends of the route, and competing with continental bridge transportation.

2. Land bridge transportation

In multimodal transportation, land bridge transportation plays a very important role. It is the main form of multimodal transport in the Far East and Europe. The so-called land bridge transportation refers to the use of special container trains or trucks, and the transcontinental railway or highway as the intermediate "bridge", connecting the container shipping routes at both ends of the mainland with special trains or trucks.

Strictly speaking, land bridge transportation is also a form of sea and land transportation. Just because of its unique position in multimodal transportation, it is used as a form of transportation organization.

3. Sea-air combined transport

Sea-air combined transportation is also called air bridge transportation. In terms of transportation organization, air bridge transportation is different from land bridge transportation: land bridge transportation uses the same container in the entire freight process, without changing the loading, while air bridge transportation usually needs to be changed into air containers at the airport.

However, the goals of the two are the same, that is, to provide fast and reliable transportation services at low rates. The transportation time of sea-air combined transportation is shorter than that of whole sea transportation, and the transportation cost is cheaper than whole air transportation.